ONO is grateful to partner with local public and independent high schools who host One Night Out clubs that recruit eager student volunteers. All volunteers are provided with training surrounding working with children with support needs prior to participating in monthly events. We are thrilled to work with such talented individuals who make our events possible and provide children with such a safe, fun, and supportive environment. ONO currently partners with the following schools, where clubs are led by dedicated student representatives.
Newton South High School
Ally Chen
Layla Sonderling
Newton North High School
Natalie Richards
Lila Feldman
Ma'ayan Rosenbaum
Beaver Country Day School
Sammy Wasserman
Emma Thiebault
Claire Truesdale
Sienna Proctor
Interested volunteering?
Email MacKenzie at onenightout@bostonabilitycenter.com to join the team?

ONO partners with the Boston Ability Center to employ talented clinicians (occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech/language therapists) who assist in supervising event activities. Staff members work collaboratively with volunteers to ensure all participants' unique needs are met and that kids have a blast while their caregivers enjoy a much deserved afternoon or evening to themselves. Staff members have extensive training in working with children of all ages with a wide range of special needs.

Janet Wade - President
MacKenzie Rickert - Treasurer
Lauren Domingue - Secretary
Brian Rooney - Director
Liz Latour - Director